Saturday, December 13, 2008


I like getting into a routine.
I find something I like doing - then I make it a habit.

But when something interferes with the regular patterns, everything gets turned upside down - and I get out of the habit. Or rather... because I didn't do part A, then I can't do part B or C.

Since I haven't been taking pictures lately, I haven't blogged. And instead of thinking about what to write - I've been thinking about how I haven't been writing... which isn't very productive.

Last night, however - I took a walk down memory lane (in a way). It was a reunion, of sorts - it was partial... some of the players were missing... and the location was new...

It was like a time warp - 10 years into the past. It was 1998 all over again... Me & Julie & Kim & Courtney & Rob & Jen & Sarah... We went to The Smell downtown to see our friend Rob (Damage Effect) play - opening up for Babyland (who I hadn't seen play since Al's Bar closed down). We didn't end up staying for Babyland... but we were all loitering outside the club trying to figure out what to do next...

If only Cafe Nova Express was still open... on Fairfax just across from Canter's. That was the natural choice.

That was our routine 10 years ago. It was open til 4am. After whatever it was we were doing, we'd somehow all meet up at Cafe Nova afterward... or just go to Cafe Nova & play cards, drink lattes or chai & snack on Salads or Pizza (i had no dairy issues back then).

Alas, no consensus was reached. Half the group went to Redwood Bar. Julie, Kim & I got wrapped up in conversation, got into the car & drove back to Julie's place & continued talking.

It's rad when good friends who haven't seen each other in years can just get right back into conversation with no awkwardness.

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