Sunday, December 28, 2008

Becoming Orthorexic

Ever heard of the term?

I hadn't until recently. I'm now reading Michael Pollan's In Defense of Food... and it's opening my eyes to how foods are being marketed and sold...

Terms such as Nutritionism, Edible Food-Like Substances, and Orthorexia are being introduced (not created by him - but totally new to me) & defined in this book...

Basically - Orthorexia is a term that fits me perfectly... I'm struggling with the Right and Wrong choices in Food. I want to enjoy going out and eating with friends... but I hesitate...

The argument in my head is "Where is this food coming from?"... but then i'll counter with "Don't be a bore - just go out and enjoy yourself." ... but then again - what is a good food choice?

I don't want grain-fed beef, beak-less chickens raised in cages... what about fish? Is it wild-caught or farm-raised? and where did it come from?

Remember the Melamine-tainted milk baby formula sold in China? and the tainted Pet food from last year? Well if that didn't raise some red flags about foods from China, maybe this will?

"Let's do Sushi" is a common invite I hear from many friends... but less and less, as they know that I don't like sushi... But that's not entirely true. I used to like sushi very much! But after learning about how contaminated the Eels being raised in China were - and I used to order fresh-water eel rolls all the time - I decided "NO MORE".

Honestly - these Michael Pollan books are changing my life... I really need to buy my own copy of The Omnivore's Dilemma - I only listened to the audiobook borrowed from the library... but I should own it.

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