Sunday, December 21, 2008

Apples - a recap

See Canyon Farms - Santa Monica Farmer's Market

I learned quite a bit about apples this year. After a long spring and summer without them, I eagerly awaited their return to the markets.

At the Hollywood market this morning - Lisa & I sampled Fujis and Pink Ladys. I rediscovered that I like Pink Lady apples. Then we got into a conversation with the farmer... about how we all hated apples when we were kids. Why?

The farmer explained that the supermarket apples that we found year round were kept in giant freezers... that's why the inside was always mushy or mealy. And they were specifically raised to have tougher skins (that would then be waxed) to keep the fruit within from spoiling.

That's why we all hate "Red Delicious". who came up with that name anyways? was it propaganda by the government to make us think that those apples were delicious because they were called delicious?

Pink Lady apples have a very thin skin - and the ladies at the stand described it's flavor like that of a jolly rancher. I'm not so sure I'd liken it to a candy - but seriously - those apples are delicious.

So here's my personal recap of the apples I tried this season:

I loved these:
Spitzenberg (early in the season - sept - early october)
Pink Lady (later in the season)
Arkansas Black (late oct-mid nov. - 5 week season)

I disliked:
Old-Fashioned Red Delicious - (it wasn't mealy - but the flavor took me back to childhood - to when i hated apples)
Jonagold - same as above
Gala - they're ok - but i'd rather have the others.

The following were pleasing, but didn't stand out like the first grouping above
Criterion (gold skin - no freckles)
Gold Rush (gold skin - freckeled) - this little girl at our Thanksgiving gathering LOVED these.
Enterprise (early season)
Braeburn - I used them in the apple pie - which was very good. (mid to late season)
Muutsu (aka Honeycrisp) - but nothing to leap at. (earlier in the season)

As for the Winesap... they were very starchy but had an excellent flavor - yet not very good to eat fresh. They are highly recommended for applesauce or baking... but I didn't get around to cooking them - so next year i'll give them another chance.. the flavor really was enchanting. (early season).

On a side note: at the market today, I wanted to buy a vegetable - just one since I'm leaving for Reno Tuesday night. Okra was on my mind... but not at the tables... their season is OVER. Just as I learned that I don't hate Okra anymore & actually wanted it again - i have to wait another 10 months or so. Rats!

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