Friday, July 11, 2008

How I Finally Picked a new Swim Suit

I realized I needed a new swimsuit - especially since it's summer, and pool parties are popping up around town. My roommate has no problem with swimsuits - she can order them online and have success with just about anything.

Me on the other hand... well, let's just say i'm rather curvy - and some suits look cute online or on the model... but when it comes to trying it on... YIKES!

My email junk box had this promo for Saks - "Save up to 70% and earn double rewards". Not that I shop there much, but I had a $75 gift card to use, and some of the styles online looked promising.

Me: "Gina - want to go to Saks to find a SwimSuit?"
Gina: "Sure - I've never been there"

Fast forward 2 hours - we were finally out the door... so much for spontaneity. But I wasn't in a rush...

Now I really hate shopping for swimsuits - the agony - the depression - the fluorescent lights! But Gina made it so much easier - she kept grabbing styles, bringing them to the fitting room - helped with the vetos & maybes. Even took photos with her phone so I could see how i looked in a picture! What a trouper. She actually enjoyed it even.

It came down to one bikini - where i loved the top but was iffy on the bottom; a blue 1 piece, and a black 1 piece. There was also this great blue retro looking suit which they only had in a size 2 but I could get a larger one online. Since I didn't want two blue suits - I went for the black.

After the transaction, I realized I didn't look at the label.

WHERE WAS IT MADE? sigh of relief - MADE IN U.S.A.!!!

for curiosity sake - we checked the blue runner up - made in China. unfortch for me, the adorable retro one that I wanted to get online was also made in China - and ditto for the Tommy Bahama bikini top.

That black suit was meant to be.

On our way out, we decided to sample some perfumes... and came upon the display for Bond no. 9 exclusive to Saks 5th Ave.

I'm almost embarrassed to say we almost spent an hour there sampling so many... The sales girl was so patient - and really knew her perfumes. I totally fell in love with 2 scents: West Side with the colorful bottle.

But there was another one I liked too - not sure which one I like better.

The other one - which I got a sample of (yay! I love me some free samples) was Saks Fifth Ave. for Her... That one was nice! Wearing a nice perfume has a lovely mood brightening effect. My birthday is coming up... (consider the hint dropped).

Honorable mention should go to Nuits de NoHo... smelled like Angel but not as strong, and it can be worn directly on the skin.

But I like Saks 5th Ave. for Her best... reminiscent of Fracas.


Unknown said...

Saks carries the new chloe scent too! Chloe and Saks are the only places to buy it. Gotta love Saks don't ya? Did you end up getting it for your bday?

Hades said...

the print on that red bottle looks like a warhol!