Monday, July 7, 2008

Bi-son Curious... and other thoughts...

I was talking about exotic meats with some friends yesterday...

Jason said he was curious about trying bison... That was too easy...

It's easy to eat healthy and properly at home - but when going to parties outside of the house, it can be a challenge. Fortunately, the people having the poolside bbq yesterday were also inclined to eat organic and healthy (though not to the same degree as me - but I'm way out there). We had Asparagus wrapped Tilapia (the recipe i linked this to is with salmon - but Jason used Tilapia instead), Steaks, Bok Choy with portobello, Caprese salad (all purchased from Whole Foods)... and apparently someone brought ribs, but those weren't cooked until the second round of eating started much much later.

but you know - a strange thing happens to me when i get hungry in the middle of the night... somehow at 3 am, some ribs were thrown down and they were so good. This is ME - Sharon - gnawing on pork ribs that I dipped in bbq sauce where the first ingredient was High Fructose Corn Syrup (though it was toned down with some beer - Texans really know how to doctor up BBQ sauce). Mmmm, ribs.

Did you know that you can get Goat Mozzarella?

1 comment:

Kim said...

ive had bison. its good like a cross between venison and beef. not bi curios either. =)

Eating out healthy has proved very difficult for me. no one seems to want to barbe que tofu or bocca burgers. even fish doesnt make it most of the time.

i am going camping ina few weeks and i cringe at the thought of what i will have to eat and how my heart will cope. yes, please up my dose of lipitore...