Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Doctor goes Green by going Pink

If you are of the male gender, you may want to skip this post...

... Finally went to the gyno today for my annual exam. apologies to anyone i may have spoken to earlier due to my testiness due to my anxiety over going to the doctor.

When i was escorted to the room, i was told to put on the gown and drape the sheet over my lap.

They were cloth!

and they were pink!

no paper gowns or paper sheets... less garbage, but it does create a different set of expenses - water usage for laundry and detergents... but this is less garbage, indeed.

very nice touch. i commented to him how i appreciated his eco-friendly change. we almost spent more time discussing the earth than we did with my exam/health. but i was happy to see him again. much better than the planned parenthood doctors who don't speak english and just grab their swabs and escort you out.

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