Thursday, September 11, 2008

Doing my Civic Duty

Jury duty time.

on 9/11

It was because of 9/11 that my family all decided to become U.S. citizens. I was born in Montreal, Canada & never really applied for citizenship even though I lived here in Los Angeles since the age of 1.

Or was it because of the 1st Bush election? I can't remember now what was the catalyst...

But with Citizenship comes the right to vote, & the duty to participate in Jury service.

1st time around - about 3 years ago, I hung around all day, and was dismissed in the end. No panel selected.

This time - no such luck. I was picked at about 2:30 pm. And even though I did raise my hand and ran my mouth off about stuff that i can't talk about just yet - I wasn't dismissed.

I had my camera in the car... I should have taken it with me on my lunch break - Jurors now park in the Disney Concert Hall... and I took a "self-guided" tour of the joint. I also walked through the mall of the court houses and saw this great fountain and some fabulous mid-century architecture.

Even though the courtroom was dark and dated looking - I really did take a liking to the wood paneling and the slender vertical lines near the ceiling in the interior of the courtroom... and the way it broke around the clock... Wish I could take a picture of that. I really liked that wall. They really crank the A/C super high in there. I was freezing. maybe that's to keep people like me from falling asleep.

I'll take my camera with me next monday so I can take shots of some of the stuff that caught my eye (to post herein).

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