Monday, September 29, 2008

Better than nothing?

My representative - Henry Waxman - disappointed me today.

He voted Yea on the $700billion bailout...

But seriously - how could he know through osmosis that he was not representing me? I didn't try contacting him on how I felt.

So I went onto my Senators' webpages (Barbara Boxer & Diane Feinstein), and emailed them how I felt. My header screamed:

"NOOOOO - I do not support the bailout!"

Why should the irresponsible parties who created this disaster be rewarded at the expense of the taxpayers?

I didn't buy a house I couldn't afford.
I didn't buy a new car that I couldn't afford.

I'm still driving an '89 toyota camry that I inherited 8 years ago.

I also take the bus to save $$ on gas.

So why should I help fund those who spent beyond their means and were too greedy?

and the bankers... why do they get such exorbitant salaries, bonuses & golden parachutes?

shouldn't they pay that money back first before the rest of us foot the bill?

And I was recently reminded (and outraged by the lack of media awareness) that McCain was one of the Keating 5. Hello? bailout part II?

So perhaps I'm a little bit all over the place... I didn't want to write too long a letter - I wanted to get my point across.

But I took a few moments out to contact my senators to tell them how I felt. They supposedly represent us - and if we don't tell them how we feel, then how can they truly represent us?

Or am I being an Idealist here... do they really care about serving their constituency or have they been bought?

Sigh... at least I tried...

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