Friday, October 3, 2008

Why did my Hiccups come back?

I used to be notorious for my hiccups.

And then suddenly they just went away.

When I worked at a desk job, years ago - it was almost like clockwork: 5pm would roll around...

hic.... hic.... hic....

that would of course be followed by snickers from my co-workers who would all be staring at me and smiling. they found it funny. to me it was just normal.

but i've always hiccuped on a daily basis since infancy even - according to my mother. she would dread it when someone would make me laugh while i'd have the hiccups because it would be a minimum 10 minutes of hiccups.

hic... hic... hic...

But shortly after I quit my job at the mortgage company - the hiccups just faded away. what was a daily occurrence lasting several minutes - sometimes multiple times a day simply became a single random HIC every once in a while.

I started working again, and this job has me sitting at a desk for several hours a day sometimes. And once again:

hic... hic... hic...

So i'm wondering - what is it that makes me get these hiccups?

It's not just when i'm sitting down at the desk in front of the computer. I'll get them while standing at the stove cooking. Or driving around. Or sitting back having a coffee with a friend.

Perhaps it's the act of sitting up at attention for several hours a day? When I was a student, I'd be sitting at a desk for several hours - and I always had hiccups.

Could it be that holding that posture or staying in a seated position for long periods of time daily makes me somehow get these random spasms in my diaphragm that hit me at different times throughout the day?

Hmmm... it's a theory.

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