Sunday, October 5, 2008


That's my new personal best... 9 sets at the Santa Monica Stairs.  

Last time I did the stairs was several months ago - so this wasn't a level I was working to... I just kept going until my thighs wouldn't lift me up any more steps.

Lisa went on to do a 10th set - but those last few steps up on my 9th round were like trudging though mud - I seriously couldn't lift my legs up anymore... and they were shaking!

So what did we do next? Santa Monica Farmer's Market, of course!

There is this one stand that had 12 different varieties of Apples!  Included were: Winesap, Braeburn, Empire, and Spitzenberg (among others).

I'd read (in the Farmer's market cookbook) that the Spitzenberg was Thomas Jefferson's favorite, and that eaten raw, it is "flavorful, complex crisp, sweet-tart" and cooked it's "warm caramel flesh, best sugar-acid balance, moist, soft texture, deep apple flavor"... So I had to give it a try.  I bought 4.  They are kinda small - and I wanted to cook some to see what they'd be like, but I've already eaten 2 of them.  They're very good!  nice crunch and texture. the flavor is delicious.  If you ever see them at the market, don't pass them up - give them a try!

I didn't find my favorite "pink stripe" tomato - that was one i found at the Hollywood market... But there was this one stand that had about 2 dozen varieties of heirlooms & other tomatoes.  I got a few (again). They just look so good!

Spitzenberg Apples- ***** 

now I just need some advil and/or muscle relaxers... i think i'll be in even more pain tomorrow - it's always the 2nd day after a workout that's the killer... of course Lisa & I didn't stop - we went on to do abs & arms when we got to her place... so my triceps are hurting too.

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