Sunday, August 17, 2008

Pretty Clean

I love the cleaning products from Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day product line. I just placed an order for some online... since most stores don't carry the entire line - and this way i won't have to drive around town to get the scent I want for the specific product.

Take the Geranium scent - I love it for ironing, and in the bathroom... but not in the kitchen. Lemon Verbena - I love it as a dish soap, but never for laundry products. Strange how picky I can be.

Besides, why should cleaning products smell so 'chemically'. Like Windex or Pine Sol... they knock me out with the fumes.

Unfortch, their bar soap has palm kernalate and other palm derivatives... therefore I didn't get any bars of soap. I'll keep searching.

My friend Megan is creating a line of hand made soaps, and I have some designs I want to do. But if I'm putting my name on any of them... you can be damned well sure that I'll look into all the sources and get the best earth-friendly, eco-friendly materials... and make them smell and look pretty too! If you can't find better, then do it yourself, right? Be the change...

Orders? I'll keep you posted.

Oh - and packaging! It should be pretty on the outside as well as on the inside (and eco-friendly)

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