Saturday, August 16, 2008

Darned Principles!

I made some pretty bold statements along the way on this blog.

There are some issues I truly believe in and don't want to break if I don't have to.

Others, I just have to bend the rules to accommodate for ease of everyday life (e.g. eating meat that's not fed grains, getting a new cell phone, computer parts...)

But yesterday, as I was wrapping up my stint of house sitting, I had to re-stock the pantry and fridge according to the list that was left for me.

Issue: Palm Oil (and all it's derivatives - palm kernel oil, palm shortening, palm kernalate...)

It's pretty ubiquitous. I find it in soaps, crackers, cookies - lots of places!

Why is it bad?

Apparently, farmers are burning down the natural habitats of Orangutans, Sumatran Rhinos & other endangered species in order to plant more of these palm trees for the said oils. I must confess, I haven't done my own personal research into this, I first heard of this issue in an article from the L.A. Times a few months ago.

If there's an easy substitute, I'll grab the alternative.

However I didn't want to waste too much time that was not on my dime at the grocery store reading the backs of packages.

Carrington usually has some sort of cookies available for snacks. I wanted to re-stock her supply because being the cookie monster that I am, I devoured quite a few. Couldn't find any.

I'm a good baker. I can make cookies. So I baked some. 2 batches.

now i'm gonna break out because I ate some... and they had butter.

why do I do this to myself? damned principles!

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