Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Off the Grid

I'm now on disc 7 of 13 of the Omnivore's Dilemma. It is such an interesting journey. Seriously - I can't recommend it enough! Please go out and read it, or get the audiobook and listen to it.

I was almost looking through my closet for things to iron just to continue ironing while listening! yeah, yeah - i have no idea where this recent love for ironing came from.... i'm just going with it.

Have I mentioned that I want to run away from this city life and get off the grid and live on a farm and raise goats & chickens? sounds familiar. if i didn't mention it here, i know i mentioned it several times. maybe if i say it enough times, it will come true? like how since the age of 34, i've been saying i was 35 - and it finally happened... hmmm...

I got a text one day a couple of weeks ago from my dear sweet friend Flyn... he suggested we run away together and get married... how i wish that was possible! I'd just visited him recently. he lives in petaluma, CA now... and what does he have on his property (his mom's actually)... 3 sheep, 2 lambs, and a huge vegetable and fruit garden! He wants to come back to hollywood and i want to go to some place exactly like where he is. I wish he'd get better already. I miss him so much. his eyes used to smile. they don't smile any more. all the pain meds (and pain) have dulled the life out of him. sigh.

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