Saturday, November 8, 2008

Up at 6:30 a.m. - Knocked out by noon

I surprised myself this morning.
I was wide awake and full of energy at 6:30 am.
without the phentermine even.
I just couldn't sleep anymore.
This was after a night at the gallery/burgundy room where i closed the place out, waited for the drunks to leave the streets and all. I didn't leave until 2:30 & was barely in bed at 3am.

I stayed in bed til 7:30 then started working out.
Though I wanted to go to Santa Monica to hit the stairs & Farmer's Market - I just didn't go... Lisa couldn't join me and I still had so much food that there was no reason.

So I decided to tend to my sadly neglected garden on my front porch. All that sweeping & weeding & re-potting turned out to be a significant workout. By the time I was done, I was pooped.

All I wanted to do was nap. But first I had to shower. But before that, a friend needed to use my computer (and my help) to typeset some plaque she needs engraved.

Where did all that energy go?
Why was I wide awake after barely 3 hours of sleep?

I finally took a 1 hour nap, but i've been shuffling around the apartment since.
i didn't get to cook the veggies i bought this week - all i ate were salads.
as a result, I had 1bunch of rainbow chard that was wilting, 2lbs. green beans that were going limp with a couple of pieces starting to mold, 1/4 section of tahitian squash that was starting to look sad... all needed to be cooked and consumed - or else get thrown out. sigh.

so i roasted the squash, then the green beans, and wilted the chard with onions & garlic. 3 side dishes and no main course - all cooked at once since i was too busy (lazy) to prepare them earlier in the week.

Tomorrow at the Hollywood market - i'm NOT taking my cart - and only buying what i can carry.

and my persimmons still haven't ripened. hmpf!

note: the brighter orange the persimmon - the sweeter it is. you can get the greenish ones - but they'll take weeks to develop the color & ripen. my mistake of getting some not-so-orange persimmons.

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