Saturday, November 1, 2008

Adventures in Food

Winesap apples - *** (Final assessment) Great flavor - strange texture. (5 for flavor, minus 2 for texture). maybe they're better cooked.

Reed Avocado - *****
according to the lady who sold it to me - they're only available 3 months out of the year (autumn, basically). Very buttery and creamy. So rich. I like adding it to my salad - just a little wedge. With such richness, a little goes a long way.

I also bought a Pink stripe Tomato. It was huge! it cost $4.83!!! but check out the composed salad I shared with Holly:Cross-section slices of pink stripe tomato, reed avocado, arugula, watercress, roasted chicken, toasted pecans, pomegranate seeds, cilantro

So sad. I bought mint & thyme last week. Didn't use either. They went bad. I hate letting food go to waste. I tend to over-buy in the vegetable department. I always get cilantro - half the bunch goes bad. every time. it's hard to purchase for one.

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