Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Epiphany time

A friend pointed out to me today... said I've been slacking on my blog...

yeah - there's a reason...

I had an epiphany... i got bored of talking about politics... and because my blog is called "political idealism" i thought i would be betraying it if i simply returned to talking about the mundane... about my daily experiences...

but i suppose that's what made my blog unique - that i could just talk about MY experiences and struggles and successes - and my particular insight.

so i returned that noam chomsky book to the library - and instead i'm reading Gorgeously Green.

It's more useful to me. Very approachable. Easy steps to find ways to change without turning all granola, sandal-wearing nouveau hippie on you all.


Kim said...

Ok then ill start commenting....

my wife who has called me a hippie for years, is only feeding our 7 month old organics. plus she is making it herself. no pcb (is that it?) plastics, no nitrates, no this... no that. hell my folks were only into TM (transcendental meditation) and i get a hippie wrap.

i think that you can keep the blog Political by just demonstrating your daily ups and downs and seeing how they are applicable to your idealism of how society should be. like the public transportation situation. ideally, or local government would take more of an interest in our transportation. also, each time you mention green it lends itself to the global warming political movement that is upon us. it works. plus i like the insight into your daily life. =^)

sharon said...

Thanks Kim!

I shall continue then ;)