Saturday, January 31, 2009

would you like fries with that?

What's wrong with this picture?

Outsourcing Drive Thru operators?


i think i read that article from the Huffington Post earlier this week - i just didn't have the time to blog earlier - though i meant to bookmark it...

But yeah - some chains like Jack in the Box & Taco Bell have been testing using out-of-state people on the phone taking people's orders at the drive thru.

Why? what is wrong with hiring from the local community? the people who would be spending money in your town - perhaps even in your restaurant!

Don't these people realize that they're shooting themselves in the foot?

If ya keep pushing down wages & downsizing in order to turn a profit - you have fewer people making money to spend on eating out at your establishment.

What's wrong with letting someone earn an honest living and get paid a fair wage?

I think i even wrote a blog about how some fast food operations are running smoother now that fluent English speakers are applying for jobs now that they've become desperate... so the customers are happy - there are fewer mistakes with the orders - the business is efficient and there's less loss... and i believe they were seeing higher profits as a result.

I guess other chains or fast food restaurants in other cities feel that it would be more beneficial to pay some servicing company, and pay someone sitting in some remote phone bank to take people's orders - rather than hiring someone locally and paying them directly...

I find this sad. I also think that it will turn out disastrous... as they're just being expedient without seeing the domino effect this will create.

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