Sunday, January 4, 2009

A Resolution to Stick to

I intend to meet up with my friends more often.

Sounds easy, right?

Easy enough - but it does take effort. True friendships last a lifetime. Sometimes they endure years of neglect - yet can pick up where things left off.Daniel(11 yrs), me, Courtney (11+yrs)

Something I like to make on occasion are croissants - from scratch. Yes, they're easy enough to buy at the market, or a patisserie... but I'm working on improving my technique and finding the right recipe.

So I decided to whip up a couple of batches and invite a whole bunch of people over for a

New Year's Day Brunch.
Lisa (17 yrs - though we lost touch for 10 yrs), Matthew (2 yrs)

I posted the time as 11am to 1pm and sent out about 80 emails - knowing i'd get less than 40% return due to the fact that it was so early - and many people were out of town - and another percentage don't check their emails/facebook/myspace accounts that regularly.
Carlos (11 yrs), Julie K (28 yrs), Michelangelo, (11 yrs)

Of those who did show up (22 total!) - I couldn't have been happier! I had some family, some new friends, but mostly old friends - who i've known for over 10 years. And many who hadn't seen one another for years. It was a great reunion. A great way to rekindle friendships... and a lovely gathering just for the sake of getting together.

The year 2009 will be one of getting together with friends - new and old.Julie K & Joan (10 yrs)

Have a Healthy & Happy New Year!

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